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It is my 4th day on The World Race Gap Year!!!! Some people are only counting this as day 3…but I am 100% counting travel day, and I will tell you why.


The night before I left I said goodbye to Cael (boyfriend), Kennedy (sister), and Zach (brother). Saying “see you in nine months” sure does feel a lot like saying goodbye. It seemed final and scary, so I cried through it and struggled to breath. I tried to sleep, but I continued to wake up shaking. Eventually, I jumped out of bed and threw up. At 4 am my alarm woke me up. I managed to get in the car ready to go, but I have never felt so panicked. I puked again when I saw the airport…and again on the plane. I was EXTREMELY thankful that my parents flew out with me because I could hardly function. 


I said goodbye to my parents at the Atlanta airport :’( and met up with my squad :). Now that I am here at base…I FEEL GREAT. For the most part anyway. My sickness was all coming from anxiety. It was absolutely insane. I have never experienced anxiety or panic attacks before this. 


It would have been so easy to say forget it and turn around. To give up. To let fear win. 


BUT INSTEAD, with the help of everyone praying for me (HUGE thank you to all of you), I decided to do it afraid. God grabbed my hand and helped me focus on the step right in front of me. And every day since He has made me stronger. 


Every step I got closer to Georgia (base for WRGY), the better I felt. 


Things Learned So Far:

  • God is good.
  • You can feel all the emotions and still be strong.
  • Doing it afraid is hard, but full of growth and more of Jesus


Overall…getting here was so hard. Unbelievably hard. But God is good. Unbelievably good. He sees our sacrifices. He sees our desires. He draws us close. He pulls us into truth. And He covers us in love. 


There will be more to come later, but for now I just want to encourage you to be courageous. Listen to what God is calling you. DO IT AFRAID. 



  • Ability to take one step/day at a time
  • I have two teeth that hurt very badly…prayers for healing
  • More of Jesus πŸ™‚


Thank you all so much. 


Love, Abigail πŸ™‚



4 responses to “DO IT AFRAID”

  1. So proud of you! You are a TRUE WARRIOR!!


    Can’t wait to hear more about you and our AMAZING GOD.

  2. abby, so sweet!!! living in uncomfortability is the best way to live because it leaves us with nothing to depend on BUT Him!!

  3. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!

    Your yes is so encouraging to all of us, please keep sharing your story :).
    β€œGetting here was so hard. Unbelievably hard. But God is good. Unbelievably good.”- Perfectly said Abigail.

    Keep on keeping on ??

  4. Hello, everyone! I accidentally posted the same blog 4 times, so if you no longer see your comment it is because I deleted that blog post πŸ™‚ Sorry!! I am still getting the hang of this!